Evidence and Methods Lab


2021 Ford Global Fellowship

As Evidence and Methods Lab we are celebrating one of our own, our Team Leader to be exact. With great joy and excitement we share with the world great news!Our Michael Richard Katagaya has successfully been selected to be among the 48 2021 Ford Global Fellows and we cannot keep calm about this.

2021 Ford Global Fellowship

Every achievement calls for a celebration, right?


As Evidence and Methods Lab we are celebrating one of our own, our Team Leader to be exact. With great joy and excitement we share with the world great news!Our Michael Richard Katagaya has successfully been selected to be among the 48 2021 Ford Global Fellows and we cannot keep calm about this.

As a young but steadily growing Ugandan Civic-tech organization that is focused on simplifying, visualizing, sharing and measuring information in the thematic areas of transparency, accountability and social justice, we are honoured to have one of us  achieve this great milestone and recognition.

Being admitted as a Ford Global Fellow means Michael will be part of a team of 72 Global Fellows who will be cracking their minds to find practical solutions to inequalities across the globe. The 72 Fellows are a pool of Fellows from two cohorts; the inaugural 2020 Fellows who are 24 in number and the remaining 48 Fellows are from the 2021 intake.

Wondering what this Fellowship means to us?

The Ford Foundation Global Fellowship is a program that identifies and connects emerging leaders from across the globe who are advancing innovative ideas and solutions to combat inequality and give them the support to work better, faster and deeper. This program seeks a diverse array of committed leaders who have demonstrated meaningful impact but whose full potential has yet to be fully realized due to lack of resources or access to a global network. It focuses on building a strong fellowship community of practice (CoP), a group of people who share a commitment to a particular field or area; have passion and curiosity for learning how to improve their work. It consists of current and past fellows who interact with each other regularly to reflect and learn from their own behaviors, practices and decisions. This shall widen our capacity as an organization and in the same vein avail us opportunities to execute mind blowing ideas with other organizations across the globe who have similar social impact goals of bringing change in the societies in which they operate.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been part of the journey so far including the awesome team at Evidence and Methods Lab who have tirelessly supported Michael in executing the different innovative ideas of simplifying and making public information in the areas of transparency, accountability and social justice more understandable. Our dear partners who believed in our ideas and took the risk of offering support in different forms and our audiences who have kept on cheering us and given us reason to keep doing what we started out to do.

We are exceedingly grateful to Ford Foundation for giving Michael this opportunity to join a cohort of likeminded individuals which will broaden his knowledge on creating solutions to global inequalities and in turn strengthen our capacity to deliver on our commitment to transparency, accountability and social justice in Uganda and beyond. With this, we believe that the sky is not the limit for us.

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